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  1. keep back

    • ph.
      不前進; 阻止; 隱瞞
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    • 1. 不前進; 阻止; 隱瞞 They all ran forward, but I kept back. 他們都向前跑, 而我留在後面。 The police had to keep the crowd back. 警察不得不阻止人群向前。


    不前進; 阻止; 隱瞞


    「不前進; 阻止; 隱瞞」的反義字

    • ph.
      使某事物不能移動; 阻止某事物 Millions of gallons of water are kept back by the dam. 這個堤壩攔住了滔滔的洪水。 She was unable to keep back her tears. 她無法忍住淚水。
    • ph.
      (使某人)與某人或某事保持距離 Keep well back from the road. 離馬路遠些。 Barricades were erected to keep back from the crowds. 設置了障礙以隔開人群。
    • ph.
      拒不將某事告訴某人; 隱瞞某事物 I'm sure she's keeping something back from us. 我肯定她向我們隱瞞什麼。
    • 更多解釋
    • vt.
      阻擋 to keep one's hair back with an elastic band 用橡皮筋把頭髮束在腦後 to keep the crowd back from the stage 阻擋觀眾靠近舞臺
    • ph.
