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  1. laundering

    • launder的動詞現在分詞、動名詞
    • 相關詞
    • ph.
      洗錢 The jewelry store was just a camouflage. There real business was in money laundering. 珠寶店只是個幌子,他們真正的生意是在洗錢。 The banker is convicted of drug-money laundering. 法院判這銀行家幫毒販洗錢而獲罪。
    • ph.
      洗錢 The jewelry store was just a camouflage. There real business was in money laundering. 珠寶店只是個幌子,他們真正的生意是在洗錢。 The banker is convicted of drug-money laundering. 法院判這銀行家幫毒販洗錢而獲罪。