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    • 樹葉,花瓣
    • 相關詞
    • ph.
      未能或忘記帶 Wait -- don't leave me behind! 等等--別把我丟下! It won't rain: you can leave your umbrella behind. 不會下雨, 你不必帶傘了。
    • ph.
      不帶走, 不觸摸, 不干涉; 不想左右(或改變) She's asked to be left alone but the press keep pestering her. 她要求不要打擾她, 但報界總是纏著她不放。 I've told you before -- leave my things alone! 我早已告訴過你--不要動我的東西!
    • ph.
      (離開某地)到某地去 The delegation is leaving for England tomorrow morning. 代表團明天早晨動身去英國。 It was said that she would leave America for China. 據說她離開美國去中國了。
    • ph.
      休假 He is coming home on leave from the front. 他將從前線回家休假。
    • ph.
      停止 Has the rain left off yet? 雨停了沒有? They left off work earlier than usual. 他們比平時早下班。
    • ph.
      留下, 忘了帶; 落後 Take care not to leave anything behind. 當心別丟下東西。 I was left behind in the race. 我在賽跑中落在後面。
    • ph.
      省去; 遺漏 He left his bicycle out at night. 晚上他把自行車留在外面。 You've made a mistake--you've left out the letter e. 你出了個錯﹐把字母“e”給漏掉了。
    • ph.
      把...留給某人做 I left it to your consideration. 這件事我讓你去考慮。 He left his house to his wife. 他把房子留給她妻子。
    • ph.
      拋棄某人(某事物)而追求他人(他事物) He left his wife for one of his students. 他拋棄妻子去追求他的一個學生。 leave advertising for a job in publishing 離開廣告業到出版界覓職
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