Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


  1. let off

    • ph.
      開槍, 爆炸;讓(氣、液體等)流失
    • 釋義
    • 同反義
    • 相關詞


    • 1. 開槍, 爆炸 This train stops to let off passengers on signal. 這列火車按信號停車讓旅客下車。 They let off their guns at the intruding enemy ships. 他們向入侵的敵艦開砲。
    • 2. 讓(氣、液體等)流失 The engine is letting off steam to relieve the pressure in the boiler. 機車在放蒸氣, 以減小鍋爐的氣壓。
    • 3. 讓逃走, 免受...; 寬恕 Let him off with a fine. 讓他罰款了事。 I'll let you off this time, but never again. 這次我寬恕你, 但以後不再寬恕了。
    • 4. 讓...放鬆 The leadership decided to let the trainees off half a day. 領導決定給學員們放半天假。


    開槍, 爆炸

    • ph.
      向...猛烈射擊, 猛擲某物 He aimed carefully and then let fly. 他仔細瞄準之後便開了槍。
    • ph.
      讓...上來(去); 變小, 減弱, 變慢, 停止 The docotr's here; shall I let him up? 醫生來了, 我讓他上來好嗎? She had had a high fever for several days and it didn't seem to be letting up. 她發燒已有好幾天, 而且不像有退燒的樣子。
    • ph.
      讓...進來 Please open the window and let in some fresh air. 請打開窗透透新鮮空氣。
    • ph.
      釋放 Don't let that dog loose among the sheep. 不要放任那條狗在羊群中亂竄。 Just close your eyes and let loose your imagination. 閉上眼睛, 海闊天空地遐想一番吧。
    • ph.
      不再提某人; 不再做或不再提某事 I suggest we let the matter drop. 我建議咱們別再提這事了。
    • ph.
      不要管, 忘掉, 不理會, 不煩擾, 使...安靜或不憂慮 Let her be. She's tired and crabby. 由她去吧!她累了, 容易發怒。 Let that stray dog be. It's bad off enough. 放過那隻野狗吧。它已經夠可憐了。
    • ph.
      更不必說; 讓某人獨處; 避免 When he gets angry, just let him alone. 他在發怒時﹐你不要去理他。 He won't even thank you, let alone pay you. 他甚至不會謝你, 更不用說付錢給你了。
    • ph.
      假裝; 洩露 He knew where the boy was hiding but he didn't let on. 他知道那男孩藏在哪裡但他不講出來。 She let on like she didn't hear a word they said. 她假裝好像沒聽見他們說的話。
    • ph.
      不打擾或不干涉 Let me be, I want a rest. 別打擾我, 我要休息。 Let the poor dog be. 別逗那條可憐的狗吧。
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