light up
- 照亮;點燃
- 發光;開始吸煙
- 釋義
- 1. 照亮 the shop windows were lit up 商店櫥窗燈火通明
- 2. 點燃
- 3. 使發亮 a rare smile lit up his stern features 他嚴肅的面龐上露出了難得一見的笑容 his face was lit up with happiness 他臉上喜氣洋洋
- 1. 發光 the lamps lit up 燈亮了
- 2. 開始吸煙
- 3. 面露喜色 she opened the present, and her face lit up 她打開禮物,面露喜色 her eyes lit up with excitement 她眼中閃著興奮的光