- KK[͵lɪvˋɪn]
- DJ[͵livˋin]
- 住在受僱之處的;(未婚而)同居的
- 相關詞
- 住在工作的地方 most of the teachers/students live in 大多數老師/學生住校 most of the workers live in 多數工人住在廠區
- 住進
- 姘居; 同居
- 生活優裕 After he won the competition, his whole family lived in clover for the rest of their lives. 他贏得比賽後, 他全家從此過著優裕的日子。
- 滿懷希望 live in hopes of better times to come 生活在憧憬更好的未來中 The future looks rather gloomy, but we live in hope. 前景似頗暗淡, 但我們仍滿懷希望。
- 抱有希望 Things seem bad, but we live in hopes. 事情似乎很糟,但我們抱有希望。
- 抱有希望 Things seem bad, but we live in hope. 事情似乎很糟,但我們抱有希望。
- 同居的情人
- 生活優裕 After he won the competition, his whole family lived in clover for the rest of their lives. 他贏得比賽後,他全家從此過著優裕的日子。
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