1. sad because one has no friends or company
- isolated
- , alone
- , all alone
- , friendless
- , companionless
- , without friends/companions
- , with no one to turn to
- , outcast
- , forsaken
- , abandoned
- , rejected
- , unloved
- , unwanted
- , unpopular
- , sad
- , unhappy
- , forlorn
- , despondent
- , lonesome
2. without companions; solitary
3. (of a place) unfrequented and remote
- deserted
- , uninhabited
- , unfrequented
- , unpopulated
- , desolate
- , barren
- , isolated
- , remote
- , out of the way
- , secluded
- , sequestered
- , off the beaten track
- , in the back of beyond
- , in the middle of nowhere
- , godforsaken
- , lone
「1. sad because one has no friends or company」的反義字
「2. without companions; solitary」的反義字
「3. (of a place) unfrequented and remote」的反義字