- IPA[ˈluːbrɪkeɪt]
- apply a substance such as oil or grease to (an engine or component) so as to minimize friction and allow smooth movement;make (a process) run smoothly
verb: lubricate, 3rd person present: lubricates, gerund or present participle: lubricating, past tense: lubricated, past participle: lubricated
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. apply a substance such as oil or grease to (an engine or component) so as to minimize friction and allow smooth movement remove the nut and lubricate the thread 同義詞
- ▪ make (a process) run smoothly the availability of credit lubricated the channels of trade 同義詞 反義詞
- ▪ make (someone) convivial with alcohol men lubricated with alcohol speak their true feelings
- acting as a lubricant: biodiesel has better lubricating properties lubricating cream for dryness
Oxford Dictionary
- acting as a lubricant: biodiesel has better lubricating properties lubricating cream for dryness
Oxford American Dictionary
- oil used for lubricating an engine or component: the loose rod caused lubricating oil to leak out
Oxford Dictionary
- 更多解釋
- IPA[ˈlo͞obrəˌkāt]
- apply a substance such as oil or grease to (an engine or component) to minimize friction and ... remove the nut and lubricate the thread
Oxford American Dictionary