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  1. lay down

    • ph.
      放躺下來, 放在地上;投降; 犧牲
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    • 1. 放躺下來, 放在地上 Please lay the baby down gently. 請輕輕地把小嬰孩放躺下來。
    • 2. 投降; 犧牲 The general told his troops to lay down their arms and surrender. 將軍命令他的軍隊放下武器投降。 I am willing to lay down my life for my country. 我願意為國犧牲。
    • 3. 放棄 The prime minister laid down office after his party lost the election. 總理在他的黨輸掉選舉之後辭職。
    • 4. 制定(規範, 行程, 原則); 堅持 The committee lay down rules about the size of football fields. 委員會制定足球場地的規範。
    • 5. 下賭注 I'll lay down $10 for number five. 我下10元賭5號贏。
    • 6. 開始建造(船或鐵路) They lay down a new ship. 他們造了一條新船。
    • 7. 把土地變成牧場 The farmer lay down ten acres in grass. 農夫把十英畝地都種了草。
    • 8. 把酒儲藏在地窖裡 I'll lay down what you've just said in the meeting. 我會把你剛才在會義上的講話錄下來。


    放躺下來, 放在地上

    • ph.
      展開; 展示; 擺出 The hill has been laid out as a small park. 這小山佈置成了一座小公園。 She laid out a garden for flowers. 她設計了一座花園。
    • ph.
      位於 The house lies in a little valley behind the forest. 那座房子位於森林後面的小山谷中。 All their hopes lie in their son. 他們把希望都寄託在他兒子的身上。
    • ph.
      解僱; 停止使用 One of the leading works in the district has been laid off because of the strike. 該區一家主要工廠因罷工而停了產。 500 men were laid off work when the factory closed after the fire. 工廠失火關閉後, 有500人被解僱。
    • ph.
      使...倒下或平臥 He laid his opponent low with a single punch. 他一拳就把對手打倒在地。
    • ph.
    • ph.
      儲存 I have to lay by a little money for emergencies. 我得存一點錢應急。
    • ph.
      放在一邊; 儲蓄 I lay aside one hour a day for reading aloud. 我每天留出(抽出)一個小時來朗讀(文章)。 He has laid aside some money for his old age. 他已存了一些錢等上了年紀時用。
    • ph.
      閒著不做事 He lay about all day instead of working. 他整天遊手好閒, 無所事事。
    • ph.
      閒著不做事 He lay around all day instead of working. 他整天遊手好閒, 無所事事。
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