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  1. make clear

    • ph.
      使變明白, 易懂, 弄清楚
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    • 1. 使變明白, 易懂, 弄清楚 Tom was so nervous that he started to stutter and couldn't make his meaning clear. 湯姆太緊張以至於開始口吃, 而不能把他的意思說明白。 First of all, I want to make it clear that no one is allowed to ask questions during the speech. 首先, 我要先說清楚, 演講時不能發問。


    使變明白, 易懂, 弄清楚

    • ph.
      攻擊 The dog made at me all of a sudden. 狗突然向我撲來。 His attacker made at him with a knife. 那人持刀襲擊他。
    • ph.
      盡情歡樂 They spent the whole weekend making merry in the nightclub. 他們整個週末在夜總會盡情歡樂。
    • ph.
      騰出時間 Now that the entire staff is back at work we are making time. 既然全體工作人員回來工作了, 我們就在彌補損失的時間. Could you make time to type it for me? 你能抽空幫我把它打出來嗎?
    • ph.
      用...製成 Brandy is made from grapes. 白蘭地酒是用葡萄釀造的。
    • ph.
      成功; 及時趕到 The girl had made up her mind to swim the English Channel. After several attempts, she finally made it. 那位姑娘下定決心要橫渡英吉利海峽, 經過幾次嘗試之後, 她終於成功了。 You have just 20 minutes to catch your train. All right, I guess I can make it. “你只有二十分鐘去趕乘這趟火車。”“ 沒關係﹐我想我趕得上。”
    • ph.
      到岸 Two days later they made land. 兩天後他們到岸。
    • ph.
      急忙離開 He killed the guard and made away. 他殺死了衛兵, 趕快跑掉了。
    • ph.
      確信; 弄清 You must make certain to switch the light off before you leave the office. 你離開辦公室之前, 一定要把燈關上。 I want to make certain when the telephone was invented. 我想弄清楚電話是什麼時候發明的。
    • ph.
      走向 He made for the door. 他向門口走去。
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