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  1. make sth. out

    • ph.
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    • 1. 理解某事物 I can't make out what she wants. 我不明白她想要什麼。 How do you make that out? (i.e. How did you reach that conclusion?) 你怎麼得出那個結論的?
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      因...而挑起對抗 Do you want to make something out of it? 你想為這事大吵一場嗎?
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      利用 The Opposition parties made (political) capital out of the disagreements within the Cabinet. 反對黨利用內閣的分昇而撈取(政治)資本。
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      (像對待大事一樣)處理(小事) It's only a small disagreement -- let's not make an issue of it. 那僅僅是個小小的分歧--咱們別小題大作了。
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      小題大做; 誇大其詞 He makes a drama out of a simple visit to the dentist. 他把看牙這樣一件小事弄得小題大做。
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      提出對某事有利的論據 The report makes out a strong case for increased spending on hospitals. 這份報告提出了對增加醫療開支的有力論據。
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