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  1. marginal

    • IPA[ˈmɑːdʒɪnl]


    • adj.
      relating to or at the edge or margin;relating to water adjacent to the land's edge or coast
    • n.
      a seat in a parliament or on a council that is held by a small majority and is at risk in an election;a plant that grows in water close to the edge of land
    • noun: marginal, plural noun: marginals

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    • 1. relating to or at the edge or margin marginal notes
    • relating to water adjacent to the land's edge or coast water lilies and marginal aquatics
    • 2. minor and not important; not central it seems likely to make only a marginal difference the cost is negligible, less than marginal 同義詞 slight, small, tiny, minute, low, ... 更多反義詞 vast, gross
    • (of costs or benefits) relating to or resulting from small or unit changes the issue is to estimate the marginal benefit from the increased frequency of screening examinations against the marginal increased cost
    • (of taxation) relating to increases in income the marginal tax rates on these incomes rise to as much as 80 per cent in some republics
    • 3. (of a decision or distinction) very narrow; borderline a marginal offside decision 同義詞 borderline, disputable, questionable, doubtful
    • British (of a parliamentary or council seat) held by a small majority and therefore at risk in an election.
    • close to the limit of profitability, especially through difficulty of exploitation marginal farmland


    • 1. British a seat in a parliament or on a council that is held by a small majority and is at risk in an election she is defending a key marginal for the Tories
    • 2. a plant that grows in water close to the edge of land remove any dead foliage on water lilies and marginals
    • n.
      the additional benefit arising from a unit increase in a particular activity.

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      the benefit gained from consuming one additional unit of a product or service: the law of marginal utility states that the first x is worth more than the second x (be it dollars, hours of free time, video games, pieces of food, etc.)

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      the benefit gained from consuming one additional unit of a good or service: the value of corn for this farmer would be determined by its marginal utility

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      the additional benefit arising from a unit increase in a particular activity.

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      the cost added by producing one additional unit of a product or service: this system allowed local authorities to increase expenditure without bearing the full marginal cost

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      the revenue gained by producing one additional unit of a good or service: the marginal revenue of carrying an individual passenger far exceeded marginal cost

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      the value gained from either consuming or producing one additional unit of a product or service: the marginal value to him of an extra acre would be less than its price you can add smart people to a team to get increased output, although at decreasing marginal values

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      the value gained from either consuming or producing one additional unit of a good or service: the marginal value to him of an extra acre would be less than its price you can add smart people to a team to get increased output, although at decreasing marginal values

    Oxford American Dictionary

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    • IPA[ˈmärjənəl]


    • adj.
      relating to or situated at the edge or margin of something: marginal notes
    • n.
      a plant that grows in water adjacent to the edge of land.

    Oxford American Dictionary