- 馬克
- 同反義
1. a small area on a surface having a different colour from its surroundings, typically one caused by damage or dirt
- blemish
- , streak
- , spot
- , fleck
- , dot
- , blot
- , stain
- , smear
- , trace
- , speck
- , speckle
- , blotch
- , smudge
- , smut
- , smirch
- , fingermark
- , fingerprint
- , impression
- , imprint
- , bruise
- , discoloration
- , scar
- , pit
- , pockmark
- , pock
- , scratch
- , dent
- , chip
- , notch
- , nick
- , line
- , score
- , cut
- , incision
- , gash
- , marking
- , blaze
- , stripe
- , birthmark
- , splotch
- , splodge
- , stigma
2. a line, figure, or symbol made as an indication or record of something
- symbol
- , sign
- , character
- , exclamation mark
- , question mark
- , quotation mark
- , diacritic
- , diacritical mark
3. a sign or indication of a quality or feeling
- sign
- , token
- , symbol
- , indication
- , badge
- , emblem
- , symptom
- , feature
- , evidence
- , proof
- , clue
- , hint
- , characteristic
- , trait
- , attribute
- , quality
- , hallmark
- , stamp
- , property
- , peculiarity
- , indicator
4. a written symbol made on a document in place of a signature by someone who cannot write
5. a level or stage that is considered significant
6. a figure or letter representing the total number of marks awarded in an examination or competition and signifying a person's score
7. (especially in athletics) a time or distance achieved by a competitor, especially one which represents a record or personal best
8. a target
9. make a visible impression or stain on
- discolour
- , stain
- , smear
- , smudge
- , streak
- , blotch
- , blot
- , blemish
- , dirty
- , smirch
- , damage
- , deface
- , disfigure
- , pockmark
- , pit
- , bruise
- , scrape
- , scratch
- , scar
- , dent
- , chip
- , nick
- , notch
- , score
- , cut
- , gash
- , splotch
- , splodge
10. write a word or symbol on (an object) in order to give information
- put one's name on
- , name
- , initial
- , put one's seal on
- , label
- , tag
- , hallmark
- , watermark
- , brand
- , stamp
- , earmark
- , indicate
- , flag
- , tab
- , tick
- , show the position of
- , show
- , identify
- , designate
- , delineate
- , denote
11. indicate the position of
- put one's name on
- , name
- , initial
- , put one's seal on
- , label
- , tag
- , hallmark
- , watermark
- , brand
- , stamp
- , earmark
12. acknowledge or celebrate (an important event) with a particular action
- celebrate
- , observe
- , recognize
- , acknowledge
- , keep
- , honour
- , solemnize
- , pay tribute to
- , salute
- , commemorate
- , remember
- , memorialize
13. be an indication of (a significant event or stage)
14. characterize as having a particular quality or feature
15. (of a teacher or examiner) assess the standard of (written work) by assigning points for proficiency or correct answers
16. notice or pay careful attention to