Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


  1. match



    • n.
    • 釋義
    • 同反義


    • 1. 火柴 to put or set a match to sth. 用火柴點燃某物 a box of matches 一盒火柴


    1. a contest in which people or teams compete against each other in a particular sport

    2. a person or thing that is equal to another in quality or strength

    3. a person or thing that resembles or corresponds to another

    4. a person viewed in regard to their eligibility for marriage, especially as regards class or wealth

    5. a marriage

    6. correspond or cause to correspond in some essential respect; make or be harmonious

    7. put (someone or something) together with someone or something else appropriate or harmonious

    8. be equal to (something) in quality or strength