- IPA[miːl]
- the edible part of any grain or pulse ground to powder;oatmeal.
noun: meal
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. the edible part of any grain or pulse ground to powder she called to Judith to bring some meal for the hens
- ▪ oatmeal.
- ▪ maize flour.
- ▪ any powdery substance made by grinding herring meal
- a person or thing that is exploited as a source of regular income: the violin was going to be my meal ticket
Oxford Dictionary
- meal ground from maize.
Oxford Dictionary
- dried blood used for feeding animals and as a fertilizer.
Oxford American Dictionary
- a small moth which infests mills, granaries, and other places where grain is stored. The larvae ...
Oxford Dictionary
- meal made from ground matzos.
Oxford Dictionary
- a substantial, satisfying, and balanced meal: three square meals a day
Oxford American Dictionary
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- 更多解釋
- IPA[mēl]
- any of the regular occasions in a day when a reasonably large amount of food is eaten, such as ... the evening meal
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[miːl]
- any of the regular occasions in a day when a reasonably large amount of food is eaten: the evening meal
Oxford Dictionary
- IPA[mēl]
- the edible part of any grain or pulse ground to powder, such as cornmeal: she called to Judith to bring some meal for the hens
Oxford American Dictionary