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  1. measurable

    • IPA[ˈmeZH(ə)rəb(ə)l]


    • adj.
      able to be measured;large enough to be measured; noticeable; definite
    • n.
      something that can be quantified, especially a sports player's height and weight
    • noun: measurable, plural noun: measurables

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    • 1. something that can be quantified, especially a sports player's height and weight he had the worst measurables in the draft for his position
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    • IPA[ˈmɛʒ(ə)rəbl]


    • adj.
      able to be measured: objectives should be measurable and achievable
    • n.
      something that can be quantified, especially a sports player's height and weight: he had the worst measurables in the draft for his position

    Oxford Dictionary