- IPA[muːv]
- 移動; 轉動; 流動; 搖動;行進
- 移動;搬走
- 動作;移動
過去式:moved 過去分詞:moved 現在分詞:moving
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 片語
- 1. 移動; 轉動; 流動; 搖動 to move up and down 上下移動 to move on wheels/rails 靠輪子/滑軌移動
- 2. 行進 to keep sb./sth. moving 使某人/某物繼續前進 move aside! 讓開!
- 3. 走動 how gracefully she moves 她走起路來真優雅 to move in high society 出入上流社會
- 4. 搬家; 遷移 to move away 搬走 to move to or into/out of sth. 搬進/搬出某處
- 5. 進展 things are starting to move on the job front 找工作的情況開始有進展 to get sth./things moving 使某事/情況有進展
- 6. 調動工作 to move to head office 調到總部工作 to move sideways 平級調動
- 7. 轉變 to move to the right/left 變得右傾/左傾 to move into the final stage 進入最後階段
- 8. 採取行動 to move on sth. 針對某事採取措施 to move on the issue 採取措施應對這一問題
- 9. 走 to move diagonally 走對角 have you moved? — I moved there 你走棋了嗎?──我走到那裡了
- 10. 售出 to move fast 賣得快
- 1. 移動 to move one's toes 動一下腳趾 I can't move my leg/the screw 我動不了腿/擰不動螺絲
- 2. 搬走 who moved my books? 誰動了我的書? someone moved my marker 有人動了我的記號筆
- 3. 挪走 to move sth. to one side 把某物挪到一邊 to move sth. out of the way 挪開某物
- 4. 運送; 調集 to move equipment to a new site 把設備運到新工地 to move artillery across the river 把炮兵調到河對岸
- 5. 調換; 遷移 to be moved to a new job 被調去做新工作 to move jobs 調換工作
- 6. 搬 to move house 搬家 a local firm moved us 一家本地公司為我們搬了家
- 7. 打動 to move sb. to tears 使某人感動得流淚 to be moved by sth./sb. 被某事物/某人打動
- 8. 驅使 to move sb. to do sth. 促使某人做某事 I was moved to act by her letter 她的來信促使我採取了行動
- 9. 走
- 10. 提出 to move that ... 提議… I move that the matter be put to the vote 我提議將此事付諸表決
- 11. 售出 stock that we haven't been able to move 我們賣不掉的存貨
- 1. 動作 to watch sb.'s every move 觀察某人的一舉一動 one false move and you're dead! 別亂動,不然要你的命!
- 2. 移動 it's time we were making a move 我們該走了 a company's move into electronics 公司向電子業的轉移
- 3. 搬家; 遷移; 調動 they are here to help with the move 他們來幫忙搬家 to make the move from A to B 從A遷到B
- 4. 一步棋 a clever/silly move 一步妙棋/蠢棋 it's your move 該你走棋了
- 5. 行動 a good/bad/clever move 好的/壞的/聰明的舉措 to make a move 採取行動
1. go in a specified direction or manner; change position
- go
- , walk
- , proceed
- , progress
- , advance
- , pass
- , budge
- , stir
- , shift
- , change position
- , make a move
- , locomote
2. change the place, position, or state of
3. change one's place of residence or work
- relocate
- , move house
- , move away/out
- , change address/house
- , leave
- , go away
- , decamp
- , change jobs
- , migrate
- , emigrate
- , flit
- , split
- , up sticks
- , pull up stakes
4. make progress; develop in a particular manner or direction
5. change from one state, opinion, or activity to another
- change
- , budge
- , shift one's ground
- , change one's tune
- , sing a different song
- , change one's mind
- , change one's opinion
- , have second thoughts
- , do a U-turn
- , do an about-face
- , reconsider
- , climb down
- , back-pedal
- , do an about-turn
6. spend one's time in (a particular sphere) or among (a particular group of people)
- circulate
- , mix
- , go round
- , socialize
- , fraternize
- , keep company
- , associate
- , hang out
- , hang around
- , hang about
7. influence or prompt (someone) to do something
- inspire
- , prompt
- , stimulate
- , motivate
- , provoke
- , influence
- , rouse
- , actuate
- , incline
- , persuade
- , urge
- , lead
- , cause
- , impel
- , induce
- , incite
- , excite
8. take action
- take action
- , act
- , take steps
- , make a move
- , do something
- , take measures
- , take the initiative
- , get moving
9. stir up (an emotion) in someone
- affect
- , touch
- , strike
- , impress
- , shake
- , upset
- , disturb
- , hit
- , disquiet
- , agitate
- , stir
- , make an impression on
- , have an impact on
- , tug at someone's heartstrings
10. propose for discussion and resolution at a meeting or legislative assembly
「1. go in a specified direction or manner; change position」的反義字
「2. make progress; develop in a particular manner or direction」的反義字
「3. take action」的反義字
「4. stir up (an emotion) in someone」的反義字