- IPA[ˈməːd(ə)rəs]
- capable of or intending to murder; dangerously violent;(of an action, event, or plan) involving murder or extreme violence
- 釋義
- 1. capable of or intending to murder; dangerously violent a brutal and murderous despot Mark gave him a murderous look 同義詞
- ▪ (of an action, event, or plan) involving murder or extreme violence the most vicious and murderous acts of human aggression
- 2. informal extremely arduous or unpleasant the team had a murderous schedule of four games in ten days 同義詞 反義詞
- 更多解釋
- IPA[ˈmərd(ə)rəs]
- capable of or intending to murder; dangerously violent: a brutal and murderous despot her estranged husband was seized with murderous jealousy
Oxford American Dictionary