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  1. narrow

    • IPA[ˈnerō]


    • adj.
      (especially of something that is considerably longer or higher than it is wide) of small width;limited in extent, amount, or scope; restricted
    • v.
      become or make less wide;almost close (one's eyes) so as to focus on something or someone, or to indicate anger, suspicion, or other emotion
    • n.
      a narrow channel connecting two larger areas of water
    • verb: narrow, 3rd person present: narrows, gerund or present participle: narrowing, past tense: narrowed, past participle: narrowed

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    • 1. become or make less wide the road narrowed and crossed an old bridge the embankment was built to narrow the river
    • almost close (one's eyes) so as to focus on something or someone, or to indicate anger, suspicion, or other emotion she narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously Jake's eyes had narrowed to pinpoints
    • 2. become or make more limited or restricted in extent or scope their trade surplus narrowed to $70 million in January New England had narrowed Denver's lead from 13 points to 4


    • 1. a narrow channel connecting two larger areas of water a basaltic fang rising from the narrows of the Upper Missouri
    • a strait about 2 miles (3.2 km) long connecting upper and lower New York Bay, between Staten ...

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • plural
      the English Channel and the Irish Sea.

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a situation in which an accident or other unfortunate incident is only just avoided: passengers had a narrow escape when a mid-air collision was averted after an air force fighter jet came dangerously close

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a railroad gauge that is narrower than the standard gauge of 56.5 inches (143.5 cm).

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • adj.
      not willing to listen to or tolerate other people's views; prejudiced: it would be narrow-minded not to welcome these developments narrow-minded provincialism

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      reduce the number of possibilities or options

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      money in forms that can be used as a medium of exchange, generally banknotes, coins, and ...

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • plural
      poverty: it was a hard life and they were in narrow circumstances

    Oxford Dictionary

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    • IPA[ˈnarəʊ]


    • adj.
      of small width in relation to length: he made his way down the narrow road
    • v.
      become or make less wide: the road narrowed and crossed an old bridge the Victoria Embankment was built to narrow the river
    • n.
      a narrow channel connecting two larger areas of water: there was a car ferry across the narrows of Loch Long

    Oxford Dictionary