1. a whitish fibre or bundle of fibres in the body that transmits impulses of sensation to the brain or spinal cord, and impulses from these to the muscles and organs
2. one's steadiness and courage in a demanding situation
- self-confidence
- , confidence
- , assurance
- , self-assurance
- , coolness
- , cool-headedness
- , self-possession
- , courage
- , bravery
- , pluck
- , pluckiness
- , boldness
- , courageousness
- , braveness
- , intrepidity
- , intrepidness
- , fearlessness
- , valour
- , daring
- , dauntlessness
- , doughtiness
- , gameness
- , determination
- , strength of character
- , firmness of purpose
- , will power
- , spirit
- , backbone
- , fortitude
- , mettle
- , heart
- , endurance
- , tenacity
- , resolution
- , resoluteness
- , stout-heartedness
- , steadfastness
- , staunchness
- , hardihood
- , grit
- , guts
- , spunk
- , gumption
- , gutsiness
- , bottle
- , ballsiness
- , moxie
- , cojones
- , sand
- , balls
3. feelings of nervousness
- anxiety
- , tension
- , nervousness
- , nervous tension
- , strain
- , tenseness
- , stress
- , worry
- , cold feet
- , apprehensiveness
- , apprehension
- , jumpiness
- , fright
- , butterflies (in one's stomach)
- , collywobbles
- , the jitters
- , the willies
- , the heebie-jeebies
- , the shakes
- , the jumps
- , jim-jams
- , the yips
- , the (screaming) abdabs/habdabs
- , Joe Blakes
4. impudence or audacity
- audacity
- , cheek
- , barefaced cheek
- , effrontery
- , gall
- , temerity
- , presumption
- , presumptuousness
- , boldness
- , brazenness
- , impudence
- , impertinence
- , insolence
- , pertness
- , forwardness
- , front
- , arrogance
- , cockiness
- , face
- , neck
- , brass neck
- , brass
- , sauce
- , chutzpah
- , hide
- , crust
- , procacity
- , assumption
「1. one's steadiness and courage in a demanding situation」的反義字
「2. feelings of nervousness」的反義字
「3. impudence or audacity」的反義字