- IPA[ˈnɒnsns]
- 無意義的話;胡說; 荒唐的舉動
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 1. 無意義的話 to talk nonsense 咿咿呀呀
- 2. 胡說; 荒唐的舉動 the scheme is utter nonsense 這個計劃愚蠢透頂 to talk nonsense 胡說八道
- 3. 胡鬧 stop this nonsense 別胡鬧了 to stand no nonsense from sb. 不能容忍某人的胡鬧
1. spoken or written words that have no meaning or make no sense
- rubbish
- , balderdash
- , gibberish
- , claptrap
- , blarney
- , guff
- , blather
- , blether
- , hogwash
- , rot
- , baloney
- , tripe
- , drivel
- , gobbledegook
- , bilge
- , bosh
- , bull
- , bunk
- , hot air
- , eyewash
- , piffle
- , poppycock
- , phooey
- , hooey
- , malarkey
- , twaddle
- , dribble
- , cobblers
- , codswallop
- , cock
- , stuff and nonsense
- , tosh
- , double Dutch
- , flannel
- , waffle
- , havers
- , garbage
- , flapdoodle
- , blathers
- , wack
- , bushwa
- , applesauce
- , bunkum
- , tommyrot
- , cod
- , gammon
- , toffee
- , shit
- , bullshit
- , crap
- , bollocks
- , balls
- , crapola
- , bulldust
2. foolish or unacceptable behaviour
- mischief
- , mischievousness
- , naughtiness
- , badness
- , bad behaviour
- , misbehaviour
- , misconduct
- , misdemeanour
- , perversity
- , pranks
- , tricks
- , larks
- , capers
- , joking
- , jesting
- , clowning
- , buffoonery
- , roguery
- , devilry
- , funny business
- , diablerie
- , tomfoolery
- , monkey tricks
- , monkey business
- , shenanigans
- , goings-on
- , hanky-panky
- , carry-on
- , carryings-on
- , jiggery-pokery
- , deviltry
「1. spoken or written words that have no meaning or make no sense」的反義字