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  1. normalize

    • IPA[ˈnôrməˌlīz]


    • v.
      bring or return to a normal or standard condition or state;multiply (a series, function or item of data) by a factor that makes the norm or some associated quantity such as an integral equal to a desired value (usually 1)
    • verb: normalize, 3rd person present: normalizes, gerund or present participle: normalizing, past tense: normalized, past participle: normalized

    • 釋義


    • 1. bring or return to a normal or standard condition or state the situation had normalized he wants to begin negotiations to normalize relations
    • 2. multiply (a series, function or item of data) by a factor that makes the norm or some associated quantity such as an integral equal to a desired value (usually 1) both sets of data have been normalized such that the lowest value is equal to 1
    • (in floating-point representation) express (a number) in the standard form with regard to the position of the radix point, usually immediately following the first nonzero digit.