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  1. noxious

    • IPA[ˈnɒkʃəs]


    • adj.
      harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant
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    • 1. harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant they were overcome by the noxious fumes
    • n.
      a weed which is considered to be harmful to the environment or animals, especially one which ... a trial of remote-controlled helicopter technology in the fight against noxious weeds, mosquitoes, and other pests most states have their own noxious weed laws

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a weed which is considered to be harmful to the environment or animals, especially one which ... a trial of remote-controlled helicopter technology in the fight against noxious weeds, mosquitoes, and other pests most states have their own noxious weed laws

    Oxford American Dictionary

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    • IPA[ˈnäkSHəs]


    • adj.
      harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant: they were overcome by the noxious fumes

    Oxford American Dictionary