1. reside or have one's place of business in (a building)
- live in
- , inhabit
- , be the tenant of
- , tenant
- , lodge in
- , be established/ensconced in
- , establish/ensconce oneself in
- , take up residence in
- , make one's home in
- , settle in
- , move into
- , people
- , populate
- , settle
- , stay in
- , reside in
- , dwell in
2. fill or take up (a space or time)
3. hold (a position or job)
4. fill or preoccupy (the mind)
- engage
- , busy
- , employ
- , distract
- , absorb
- , engross
- , preoccupy
- , hold
- , hold the attention of
- , immerse
- , interest
- , involve
- , entertain
- , divert
- , amuse
- , beguile
5. take control of (a place, especially a country) by military conquest or settlement
- capture
- , seize
- , take possession of
- , conquer
- , invade
- , overrun
- , take over
- , colonize
- , garrison
- , annex
- , dominate
- , subjugate
- , hegemonize
- , hold
- , commandeer
- , requisition
「1. take control of (a place, especially a country) by military conquest or settlement」的反義字