Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


  1. carry off

    • ph.
      拿走, 搬走; 抓走, 奪走;致...死亡
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    • 1. 拿走, 搬走; 抓走, 奪走 Carry the empty bottles off, please. 請把那些空瓶子拿走。 We saw the thief being carried off by the police. 我們看見那個小偷被警察抓走了。
    • 2. 致...死亡 Cholera carried him off that year. 那年霍亂使他喪命。
    • 3. 贏得, 獲得(獎章等) John carried off all the prizes in the contest. 約翰獲得了比賽的全部獎品。
    • 4. 成功(或輕易)地處理 It was a daring attempt but he carried it off. 這是個大膽的嘗試, 不過他不費力地對付過去了。 He carried the speech off well despite feeling very nervous. 儘管他感到非常緊張, 但總算把演講順利地講完了。
    • 5. 使可被接受, 使過得去 The child's readiness to help carried off his naughtiness. 這個孩子樂於助人, 因而人們不覺得他頑皮討厭了。
    • ph.
      【口】打盹兒; 打瞌睡 I dropped off and missed the end of the film. 我打了個盹兒, 把影片的結尾給錯過了。
    • ph.
      郵寄 Why haven't you got my letter? I sent it off last week. 你為什麼沒有接到我的信?我是上週寄出去的。 Please see that these parcels are sent off. 請務必把這些包裹立即去郵寄。
    • ph.
      使流走 The rainwater can run off the roof through these pipes. 雨水可以通過這些管道從屋頂上流走。 He ran off a bucket of water from the barrel. 他從大木桶中放出一桶水。
    • ph.
      踢脫(鞋子等); 踢開 He entered the room and kicked off his shoes. 他走進屋子, 把鞋踢掉。 The dog attacked me, biting my ankle, but I kicked him off. 狗向我進攻, 咬我的腳踝, 我將它踢開了。
    • ph.
    • ph.
      離開一條路而走上另一條路 Is this where we turn off/where the road turns off for Hull? 這兒就是我們要轉往赫爾市方向的路嗎? He turned off when he ought to have gone straight on. 他本應一直朝前走, 卻拐了彎。
    • ph.
      開槍, 爆炸 This train stops to let off passengers on signal. 這列火車按信號停車讓旅客下車。 They let off their guns at the intruding enemy ships. 他們向入侵的敵艦開砲。
    • ph.
      抖落 shake off rain from one's hair 抖落頭上的雨水
    • ph.
      落下; (勢力、地位等)降低 His hat fell off. 他的帽子掉下了。 The quality of his painting has fallen off greatly. 他的畫質量已大大退步。
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