Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


  1. take on

    • ph.
      承擔; 僱傭; 取得;接受(挑戰)
    • 釋義
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    • 1. 承擔; 僱傭; 取得 He can't take on any new jobs at this time. He already has too much to do. 目前他不能承擔任何新的工作, 他手頭的活都做不完哩。 With this new explaination, his response takes on a new meaning. 經過這番新的解釋, 他的回答就有了新的含義。
    • 2. 接受(挑戰) I'll take the work on, but I can't tell you exactly when I'll finish it. 我接受這項工作, 但是我不能確切地告訴你何時能完成。
    • 3. (口)發火; 動怒 Don't take on so! 別這麼激動!
    • 4. 具有; 呈現 The insect can take on the color of its surroundings. 這種昆蟲能隨環境而變色。
    • 5. 【口】流行; 時髦; 受歡迎 The idea never really took on. 這一觀念一向不太得人心。


    「承擔; 僱傭; 取得」的反義字

    • ph.
      坐在沒有扶手的椅子上; 忽略, 坐視不理 He has been sitting on my letter for months: Why doesn't he answer it? 他幾個月一直沒有理睬我的信, 為什麼他不回信?
    • ph.
      繼續 He kept on talking. 他講個不停。 We kept on till the work was finished. 我們繼續幹下去, 直到完成那項工作。
    • ph.
      緊握 They held on in spite of the snow. 他們冒雪繼續前進。
    • ph.
    • ph.
      (後尤接副詞或用於疑問句的how之後)過日子; 進展; 進步 Our youngest son is getting on well at school. 我們的小兒子功課很有進步。 He seems to be getting on very well at school. 他在學校裡似乎進步很大。
    • ph.
      踩踏 I'm sorry I stamped on your foot. 對不起, 踩了你的腳。 stamp on a spider 踩死一隻蜘蛛
    • ph.
      欺騙; 戲弄 He was having you on, and you believed him. 他在騙你, 而你竟相信了他。
    • ph.
      留在某物上面 My hat won't stay on properly. 我這帽子怎麼也戴不正。
    • ph.
      深思; 考慮; 反省 Reflect on/upon all I have said to you. 好好思考一下我對你說的一切。 The old man reflected on the changes that had taken place since his youth. 老人回想從自己的青年時期以來所發生的種種變化。
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