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    for once

    • ph.
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    • ph.
      重複的, 再三的 I've told you once and again, he is not my cousin. 我告訴過你好幾遍了, 他不是我表哥。 He made me swear to him, once and again, that I would never run away from home. 他叫我一遍又一遍地對他發誓, 再也不離家出走。
    • ph.
      突然 The storm broke out all at once. 暴風雨突然來臨。
    • ph.
      僅此一次; 作為例外 Just for once he arrived on time. 只有這次他是按時到了。
    • ph.
      這一次卻未能倖免 He had driven home drunk once too often -- this time he got stopped by the police. 他多次醉酒開車回家, 上得山多終遇虎--這回讓警察截住了。
    • ph.
      一兩次 I don't know the place well, I've only been there once or twice. 我對那地方不大熟悉, 只去過一兩次。 I've been there once or twice. 我到過那裡幾次。
    • ph.
      幾次 I've been there once or twice. 我到過那裡幾次。
    • ph.
      又一次 He exceeded the speed limit once too often. 他又超速行駛了。
    • ph.
      突然 He left all at once. 他突然離開了。
    • ph.
      幾次 I've been there once or twice. 我到過那裡幾次。
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