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  1. set out

    • ph.
      動身, 開始;闡述, 說明
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    • 1. 動身, 開始 They set out (off) at six and hoped to arrive before dark. 他們六點出發的。 He set out to paint the whole house but finished only the front part. 他開始著手粉刷整幢房子, 可是只完成了前面的部分。
    • 2. 闡述, 說明 Recent changes in the tax law are set out in the enclosed booklet. 稅收法律新近改變的詳細說明附在一本小冊子裡。
    • 3. 安排, 擺放 The parlor is set out with pictures. 客廳裡裝飾著各種圖畫。
    • 4. 移栽, 栽種 The young plants should be set out three feet apart. 樹苗應該隔三英尺栽種一株。


    動身, 開始

    • ph.
      一拳擊昏某人; 打敗; 淘汰 The old man knocked out a pipe. 這老人敲出了菸斗裡的灰。 Joe knocked him out with one punch. 喬一拳把他擊昏。
    • ph.
      劃線去掉 rule out a misspelt word 劃掉一個拼錯的詞
    • ph.
      擦拭(盆、碗等)的內部 This vase wasn't wiped out properly before it was put away. 這個花瓶沒擦乾淨就收起來了。
    • ph.
      (慢慢地)逐個數東西 The old lady counted out thirty pence and gave it to the shop assistant. 老太婆一個個地數出三十便士給了售貨員。
    • ph.
      在場; 露面; 集合; 出席 A vast crowd turned out to watch the match. 大群的觀眾到場觀看比賽。 The whole village turned out to welcome the pope. 全村的人都出來歡迎教皇。
    • ph.
      暫時對自己失去控制, 發瘋, 行為異常(通常為毒品所致) This ordinary quiet guy just freaked out and shot ten people. 這個平時溫和的傢伙簡直發瘋了, 開槍打死了十個人。 John's party was really wild -- everyone freaked out on drugs. 約翰搞的聚會真夠瘋狂的--大家都(因吸食毒品)神魂顛倒了。
    • ph.
      宣讀, 朗聲讀出 Important notices are read out to the assembled school. 重要通知是在集會上向全校師生宣讀的。 read out the football results 報出足球賽的比分
    • ph.
      送某人到門口 Please don't bother to see me out; I can easily find the way. 請不必送我出去了, 我找得到路。
    • ph.
      以木樁標出 The city engineer staked out the new school site. 這位城市的工程師用木樁標出了新學校的校址。
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