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  1. snail pace


    • ph.
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    • ph.
      【數】幾何速度,兩步幅(亦作great pace
    • ph.
    • ph.
      來回踱步 When being interrogated by the prosecutors, he just paced about the interrogation room without giving any direct answers. 在被檢方質詢的時候,他只是在詢問室裡不停地踱步,而不直接回答。
    • ph.
      齊步並進;並駕齊驅 Despite its strenuous efforts, their company still cannot keep pace with ours in terms of technology and hardware. 儘管非常努力,他們公司在技術和硬體上還是不能與我們公司並駕齊驅。 They were walking so fast that the small boy could hardly keep pace with them. 他們走得太快,那小男孩幾乎跟不上。
    • ph.
      來回踱步 When being interrogated by the prosecutors, he just paced about the interrogation room without giving any direct answers. 在被檢方質詢的時候,他只是在詢問室裡不停地踱步,而不直接回答。
    • ph.
      用腳步量出 He paced the distance off from the school to the bus station. 他用腳步量出從學校到公車站的距離。
    • ph.
      齊步並進;並駕齊驅 Despite its strenuous efforts, their company still cannot keep pace with ours in terms of technology and hardware. 儘管非常努力,他們公司在技術和硬體上還是不能與我們公司並駕齊驅。 They were walking so fast that the small boy could hardly keep pace with them. 他們走得太快,那小男孩幾乎跟不上。
    • ph.
      【數】幾何速度,兩步幅(亦作great pace
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    • ph.