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  1. parachute

    • IPA[ˈperəˌSHo͞ot]


    • n.
      a cloth canopy which fills with air and allows a person or heavy object attached to it to descend slowly when dropped from an aircraft, or which is released from the rear of an aircraft on landing to act as a brake
    • v.
      drop or cause to drop from an aircraft by parachute;appoint or be appointed in an emergency or from outside the existing hierarchy
    • verb: parachute, 3rd person present: parachutes, gerund or present participle: parachuting, past tense: parachuted, past participle: parachuted

    • 釋義


    • 1. a cloth canopy which fills with air and allows a person or heavy object attached to it to descend slowly when dropped from an aircraft, or which is released from the rear of an aircraft on landing to act as a brake the savior of many pilots has been the parachute the planes came over the coast and started to drop supplies by parachute


    • 1. drop or cause to drop from an aircraft by parachute airborne units parachuted in to secure the airport an air operation to parachute relief supplies into Bosnia
    • 2. appoint or be appointed in an emergency or from outside the existing hierarchy an old crony of the CEO was controversially parachuted into the job