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  1. pardon

    • IPA[ˈpärd(ə)n]


    • n.
      the action of forgiving or being forgiven for an error or offense;a remission of the legal consequences of an offense or conviction
    • v.
      forgive or excuse (a person, error, or offense);release (an offender) from the legal consequences of an offense or conviction, and often implicitly from blame
    • excl
      a request to a speaker to repeat something because one did not hear or understand it
    • verb: pardon, 3rd person present: pardons, gerund or present participle: pardoning, past tense: pardoned, past participle: pardoned

    • noun: pardon, plural noun: pardons

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    • 1. a request to a speaker to repeat something because one did not hear or understand it “Pardon?” I said, cupping a hand to my ear
    • n.
      an apology.

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      an unconditional remission of the legal consequences of an offence or conviction: he was given a free pardon

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      used to apologize for swearing

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      used to express in a sarcastic way one's indignation at being criticized for doing something

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      used to apologize for swearing

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      used to express polite apology

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      used to express polite apology

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      express polite apology

    Oxford American Dictionary

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    • IPA[ˈpɑːdn]


    • n.
      the action of forgiving or being forgiven for an error or offence: he obtained pardon for his sins
    • v.
      forgive or excuse (a person, error, or offence): I know Catherine will pardon me
    • excl
      a request to a speaker to repeat something because one did not hear or understand it: ‘Pardon?’ I said, cupping a hand to my ear

    Oxford Dictionary