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    • 途徑,通行經過,消逝,傳
    • 相關詞
    • ph.
      不注意, 忽視, 置之不理 I can pass over the disorderliness of the students, but their disobedience is a serious matter. 我可以不管學生們不整齊, 但是他們的不服從是個嚴重的問題。 Sex is a subject he prefers to pass over. 關於性這一問題他盡量迴避。
    • ph.
      分發, 分配 Would you pass out the books for me? 你替我分發一下書好嗎? The exhibitors at the trade fair pass out free samples to arouse people's interest. 商業展覽會上的展出者免費散發了一些樣品以便激發人們的興趣。
    • ph.
      終止, 停止 As soon as the sun comes out, the mist will pass away. 太陽一出來, 霧就會消失。
    • ph.
      去世 He passed on last night at the age of 89. 他昨晚去世了, 享年八十九歲。 I'm sorry to learn that your dear mother has just passed on. 聽到你母親去世, 我很難過。
    • ph.
      通過, 穿過 The river passed through our land. 這條河流經我們的土地。 The highway passes through our town. 高速公路穿過我們的城鎮。
    • ph.
      對某人/某事物無影響或不起作用 The whole business passed him by. 整件事情都已過去了, 他卻未曾察覺到。 She feels that life is passing her by. 她覺得生活與她形同陌路(未能從生活中得到好處、機會與樂趣)。
    • ph.
      忽視; 錯過 He had a feeling that his friends were passing him by. 他感到他的朋友們在迴避他。 If you try to pass the problems by, they will remain to dog you. 假如你試圖不理會這些問題, 這些問題仍然會緊跟你。
    • ph.
      消失 Has your pain passed off yet? 還痛不痛? The numbness in your foot will soon pass off. 你腳上的麻木感一會兒就會消失。
    • ph.
      傳下來 The tradition has been passed down for hundreds of years. 這一傳統已傳了幾百年。
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