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  1. patchwork

    • IPA[ˈpaCHˌwərk]


    • n.
      needlework in which small pieces of cloth in different designs, colors, or textures are sewn together;the craft of sewing in which small pieces of cloth in different designs, colors, or textures are sewn together
    • noun: patchwork, plural noun: patchworks

    • 釋義


    • 1. needlework in which small pieces of cloth in different designs, colors, or textures are sewn together a quilt of patchwork patchwork bell-bottoms
    • the craft of sewing in which small pieces of cloth in different designs, colors, or textures are sewn together specialists in quilting and patchwork
    • a thing composed of many different elements so as to appear variegated a patchwork of stone walls and green fields