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  1. payroll

    • IPA[ˈpāˌrōl]


    • n.
      a list of a company's employees and the amount of money they are to be paid;the total amount of wages and salaries paid by a company to its employees
    • noun: payroll, plural noun: payrolls

    • 釋義


    • 1. a list of a company's employees and the amount of money they are to be paid there are just three employees on the payroll
    • the total amount of wages and salaries paid by a company to its employees small employers with a payroll of less than $45,000
    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[ˈpeɪrəʊl]


    • n.
      a list of a company's employees and the amount of money they are to be paid: there are just three employees on the payroll

    Oxford Dictionary