- IPA[pɛlt]
- hurl missiles repeatedly at;hurl (something) at someone or something
- an act of hurling something at someone.
verb: pelt, 3rd person present: pelts, gerund or present participle: pelting, past tense: pelted, past participle: pelted
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 片語
- 1. hurl missiles repeatedly at two boys pelted him with rotten apples 同義詞
- ▪ hurl (something) at someone or something she spotted four boys pelting stones at ducks
- ▪ (of rain, hail, or snow) fall quickly and very heavily the rain was pelting down 同義詞
- 2. informal run somewhere very quickly I pelted across the road 同義詞
- 1. archaic an act of hurling something at someone.
- with maximum energy or force; at top speed
Oxford Dictionary
- as fast as possible
Oxford Dictionary
- with maximum energy or force; at top speed
Oxford American Dictionary
- naked
Oxford Dictionary
- 更多解釋
- IPA[pelt]
- attack (someone) by repeatedly hurling things at them: two little boys pelted him with rotten apples
- an act of hurling something at someone.
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[pelt]
- the skin of an animal with the fur, wool, or hair still on it: traders brought reindeer pelts
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[pɛlt]
- the skin of an animal with the fur, wool, or hair still on it: traders brought reindeer pelts
Oxford Dictionary