- IPA[ˈpɛrɪʃ]
- die, especially in a violent or sudden way;suffer complete ruin or destruction
verb: perish, 3rd person present: perishes, gerund or present participle: perishing, past tense: perished, past participle: perished
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 片語
- 1. literary die, especially in a violent or sudden way a great part of his army perished of hunger and disease 同義詞
- ▪ suffer complete ruin or destruction must these noble hopes perish so soon? 同義詞 反義詞
- 2. (of rubber, food, etc.) lose its normal qualities; rot or decay an abandoned tyre whose rubber had perished 同義詞
- 3. British informal be suffering from extreme cold I was perished with cold before the end of the day
- used, often ironically, to show that one finds a suggestion or idea completely ridiculous or ...
Oxford American Dictionary
- used, often ironically, to show that one finds a suggestion or idea completely ridiculous or ...
Oxford Dictionary
- 更多解釋
- IPA[ˈperiSH]
- suffer death, typically in a violent, sudden, or untimely way: a great part of his army perished of hunger and disease
Oxford American Dictionary