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  1. phalanx

    • IPA[ˈfāˌlaNGks]


    • n.
      a body of troops or police officers standing or moving in close formation;a group of people or things of a similar type forming a compact body
    • noun: phalanx, plural noun: phalanxes

    • 釋義
    • 相關詞


    • 1. a body of troops or police officers standing or moving in close formation six hundred marchers set off, led by a phalanx of police
    • a group of people or things of a similar type forming a compact body he headed past the phalanx of waiting reporters to the line of limos
    • (in ancient Greece) a body of Macedonian infantry with long spears, drawn up in close order with shields overlapping.
    • 2. a bone of the finger or toe.
    • n.
      another term for phalanx

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      another term for phalanx

    Oxford Dictionary

    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[ˈfalaŋks]


    • n.
      a body of troops or police officers standing or moving in close formation: six hundred marchers set off, led by a phalanx of police

    Oxford Dictionary