Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


  1. pin down

    • vt.
    • 釋義


    • 1. 固定住
    • 2. 確切說明 I can't quite pin down his exact meaning 我說不太清楚他到底是甚麼意思
    • 3. 按住
    • 4. 使說清楚 to pin sb. down to sth. 使某人明確說出 to pin sb. down to a promise 使某人遵守諾言
    • 5. 火力壓制 the troops were pinned down on the beach and suffered heavy losses 部隊被火力壓制在海灘上,損失慘重 we were pinned down by heavy machine-gun fire 我們被密集的機槍火力壓制住了