- KK[paɪp]
- DJ[paip]
- 管,導管,輸送管[C];菸斗[C]
- 用管道輸送[H][(+into/to)];(用尖聲)說話,唱歌;尖聲鳴叫
- 吹奏管樂;尖聲叫嚷,尖聲鳴叫
過去式:piped 過去分詞:piped 現在分詞:piping
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 管,導管,輸送管[C] They are laying pipes under the road. 他們正在鋪設路下面的管子。
- 2. 菸斗[C] His father is a pipe-smoker. 他父親是抽菸斗的。
- 3. 管樂器;笛[C] He is playing a tune on his pipe. 他在用笛子吹奏一支曲子。
- 4. 笛聲;鳥鳴聲;尖銳的聲音[U]
- 5. 管狀器官;呼吸器官[C]
- 6. (液量單位)最大桶[C],大酒桶
- 7. 【口】容易幹的事
- 1. 用管道輸送[H][(+into/to)] Water was piped into the village two years ago. 兩年前水由管子通到了村裡。 Gas is piped into all the houses. 瓦斯由管道輸送到各家各戶。
- 2. (用尖聲)說話,唱歌;尖聲鳴叫 The woman piped her disapproval. 那婦人尖聲嚷叫不贊成。
- 3. 用管樂器吹奏 I'll pipe your favorite song. 我來吹奏那支你喜歡聽的歌。
- 4. 為……鋪設管道 Our neighborhood will be piped for gas. 我們這個地區將要鋪設瓦斯管。
- 5. 為(衣服)滾邊;為(糕餅)澆飾花邊
- 1. 吹奏管樂
- 2. 尖聲叫嚷,尖聲鳴叫 Wind was piping in the woods. 風在林中呼嘯。
- pipe的動詞過去式、過去分詞
- pipe的名詞複數
- 管的
- 用管道往下輸送 They had piped the water down. 他們已用管道把水引到下面。
- 用管道輸出 They were piping the water away. 他們正用管道把水引走。
- 用管道輸入 They had managed to pipe the water in from the river nearby. 他們已經設法用管道把附近的河水引進來。
- 尖聲地說 I had to pipe up when they were pushing that crazy idea. 當他們在鼓吹那瘋狂的想法時, 我不得不大發議論。 I don't agree! someone piped up. “我不同意!”有人高聲說道。
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