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  1. plate

    • IPA[pleɪt]



    • n.
      盤子; 碟子; 托盤;一盤
    • vt.
    • 過去式:plated 過去分詞:plated 現在分詞:plating

    • 名詞複數:plates

    • 釋義
    • 同反義


    • 1. 盤子; 碟子; 托盤 to hand or give or present sth. to sb. on a plate 把某物拱手送給某人 to clean or empty one's plate 把飯菜吃光
    • 2. 一盤 a plate of pasta 一盤意大利麵
    • 3. 金屬板 a metal plate 一塊金屬板
    • 4. 匾牌
    • 5. 牌照
    • 6. 金質餐具; 銀質餐具
    • 7. 有鍍層的金屬 gold plate 鍍金層
    • 8. 印版
    • 9. 插圖
    • 10. 鱗甲
    • 11. 感光板
    • 12. 假牙托
    • 13. 板塊
    • 14. 獎牌; 獎杯


    • 1. 電鍍
    • 2. 給…裝金屬護板


    1. a flat dish, typically circular and made of china, from which food is eaten or served

    2. an amount of food on a plate

    3. a thin, flat sheet or strip of metal or other material, typically one used to join or strengthen things or forming part of a machine

    4. a small, flat piece of metal or other material bearing a name or inscription and attached to a door or other object

    5. a printed photograph, picture, or illustration, especially one on superior-quality paper in a book