- KK[ˋplɛntɪ]
- DJ[ˋplenti]
- 豐富;充足;大量[U][(+of)]
- 很多的;足夠的
- 【口】足夠,充分地;【口】很,非常
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 豐富;充足;大量[U][(+of)] He has plenty of humorous stories to tell. 他有許多幽默故事可講。 Holmes and he had plenty in common. 他與福爾摩斯有許多共同之處。
- 1. 很多的;足夠的 I've got plenty things to take care of. 我有許多事要處理。
- 1. 【口】足夠,充分地 It's plenty big enough. 它足夠大了。
- 2. 【口】很,非常 I'm plenty hungry. Please give me something to eat, Mom. 我很餓,媽媽,請給我點吃的。
n. 數量,大量
- quantity
- , quantities
- , volume
- , mass
- , fund
- , stores
- , multitude
- , numbers
- , scores
- , host
- , hoards
- , legion
- , lot
- , lots
- , heap
- , heaps
- , mountain
- , mountains
- , stack
- , stacks
- , pile
- , piles
- , mess
- , slew
- , slews
- , loads
- , bunch
- , oodles
- , miser's hoard
n. 豐富,富裕;奢侈;慷慨
- plenteousness
- , plentifulness
- , bountifulness
- , bounteousness
- , copiousness
- , amplitude
- , fullness
- , exuberance
- , luxuriance
- , luxuriousness
- , lavishness
- , prodigality
- , richness
n. 充足,豐饒
- plenty的名詞複數
- 【文】大量; 豐富; 充裕 food and drink in plenty 大量的食物和飲料
- 大量的 There was always plenty of boiled water in the bottle. 瓶裡經常有許多開水。 I have plenty of humorous tales. 我有很多幽默的故事。
- 很多;大量 There were plenty of eggs in the house. 家裡有許多雞蛋。
- 充足;大量 There is food and drink in plenty now. 現在有充足的食品和飲料。
- 很多;大量 There were plenty of eggs in the house. 家裡有許多雞蛋。
- 充足;大量 There is food and drink in plenty now. 現在有充足的食品和飲料。
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