1. the state of having, owning, or controlling something
- ownership
- , proprietorship
- , control
- , hands
- , keeping
- , care
- , custody
- , charge
- , hold
- , title
- , guardianship
2. visible power or control over something, as distinct from lawful ownership; holding or occupancy as distinct from ownership
3. something that is owned or possessed
- asset
- , thing
- , article
- , item owned
- , chattel
- , belongings
- , things
- , property
- , worldly goods
- , goods
- , personal effects
- , effects
- , stuff
- , assets
- , accoutrements
- , paraphernalia
- , impedimenta
- , bits and pieces
- , luggage
- , baggage
- , bags and baggage
- , chattels
- , movables
- , valuables
- , goods and chattels
- , gear
- , junk
- , dunnage
- , traps
- , clobber
- , trek
- , shit
- , crap
4. a territory or country controlled or governed by another