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  1. pour-over

    • n.
      a method of brewing coffee by manually pouring boiling water through a filter filled with ground coffee beans;coffee made by manually pouring boiling water through a filter filled with ground coffee beans
    • noun: pour-over, plural noun: pour-overs

    • 釋義


    • 1. a method of brewing coffee by manually pouring boiling water through a filter filled with ground coffee beans I would love to try their pour-over coffee I like the pour-over method
    • coffee made by manually pouring boiling water through a filter filled with ground coffee beans they sigh and sip their pour-over if you order a pour-over, expect to pay a little more
    • 更多解釋
    • n.
      a method of brewing coffee by manually pouring boiling water through a filter filled with ... I would love to try their pour-over coffee I like the pour-over method

    Oxford American Dictionary