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  1. premises

    • IPA[ˈprɛmɪsɪz]


    • plural
      a house or building, together with its land and outbuildings, occupied by a business or considered in an official context
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    • 1. a house or building, together with its land and outbuildings, occupied by a business or considered in an official context the company has moved to new premises alcohol is not allowed on the premises
    • n.
      a previous statement or proposition from which another is inferred or follows as a conclusion: if the premise is true, then the conclusion must be true
    • v.
      base an argument, theory, or undertaking on: the reforms were premised on our findings

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a previous statement or proposition from which another is inferred or follows as a conclusion: if the premise is true, then the conclusion must be true
    • v.
      base an argument, theory, or undertaking on: the reforms were premised on our findings

    Oxford American Dictionary

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    • IPA[ˈpreməsəz]


    • plural
      a house or building, together with its land and outbuildings, occupied by a business or ... business premises supplying alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises

    Oxford American Dictionary