1. prove more powerful or superior
- win
- , win out
- , win through
- , triumph
- , be victorious
- , be the victor
- , gain the victory
- , carry the day
- , carry all before one
- , finish first
- , come out ahead
- , come out on top
- , succeed
- , prove superior
- , conquer
- , overcome
- , gain/achieve mastery
- , gain ascendancy
- , take the crown
- , gain the palm
- , rule
- , reign
2. be widespread or current in a particular area or at a particular time
- exist
- , be in existence
- , be present
- , be the case
- , hold
- , obtain
- , occur
- , be prevalent
- , be current
- , be rife
- , be rampant
- , be the order of the day
- , be customary
- , be established
- , be common
- , be widespread
- , be in force
- , be in effect
- , abound
- , hold sway
- , predominate
- , preponderate
- , endure
- , survive
- , persist