Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋


  1. primitive

    • IPA[ˈprɪmɪtɪv]



    • adj.
    • 釋義
    • 同反義


    • 1. 原始的 primitive tribes/people 原始部落/原始人
    • 2. 早期的
    • 3. 簡陋的


    1. relating to, denoting, or preserving the character of an early stage in the evolutionary or historical development of something

    2. relating to or denoting a preliterate, non-industrial society or culture characterized by simple social and economic organization

    3. of or denoting a simple, naive style of art that deliberately rejects sophisticated artistic techniques

    4. very basic or unsophisticated in terms of comfort, convenience, or efficiency


    「1. relating to, denoting, or preserving the character of an early stage in the evolutionary or historical development of something」的反義字

    「2. relating to or denoting a preliterate, non-industrial society or culture characterized by simple social and economic organization」的反義字

    「3. of or denoting a simple, naive style of art that deliberately rejects sophisticated artistic techniques」的反義字

    「4. very basic or unsophisticated in terms of comfort, convenience, or efficiency」的反義字