- IPA[prʌɪzd]
- extremely highly valued
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. extremely highly valued the bicycle was her most prized possession
- a thing given as a reward to the winner of a competition or in recognition of an outstanding ... Britain's most prestigious prize for contemporary art
- having been or likely to be awarded a prize in a competition: a prize bull prize onions
- value extremely highly: the berries were prized for their healing properties
Oxford American Dictionary
- a thing given as a reward to the winner of a competition or in recognition of an outstanding ... Britain's most prestigious prize for contemporary art her invention won first prize in a national contest
- having been or likely to be awarded a prize in a competition: a prize bull prize onions
- value extremely highly: the berries were prized for their healing properties
Oxford Dictionary
- variant spelling of prise
Oxford American Dictionary
- variant spelling of prise
Oxford Dictionary
- a ring used for prizefighting.
Oxford American Dictionary
- a ring used for prizefighting.
Oxford Dictionary
- a prize given to a competitor who narrowly fails to win or who finishes last: two hundred runners-up will get a consolation prize
Oxford American Dictionary
- a prize awarded by lottery to the holder of a ticket purchased or distributed at a dance, ...
Oxford American Dictionary
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- IPA[prīzd]
- extremely highly valued: the bicycle was her most prized possession
Oxford American Dictionary