- IPA[ˈpʌblɪʃ]
- prepare and issue (a book, journal, piece of music, etc.) for public sale, distribution, or readership;print (something) in a book or journal so as to make it generally known
verb: publish, 3rd person present: publishes, gerund or present participle: publishing, past tense: published, past participle: published
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. prepare and issue (a book, journal, piece of music, etc.) for public sale, distribution, or readership we publish practical reference books 同義詞
- ▪ print (something) in a book or journal so as to make it generally known we pay £25 for every letter we publish 同義詞
- ▪ make (content) available online a few hours after publishing the post I received a response from the founder of the company the photo has not been published on her Instagram account
- ▪ prepare and issue the work of (a particular writer) she is frequently published in literary journals and anthologies
- ▪ formally announce or read (an edict or marriage banns).
- 2. communicate (a libel) to a third party.
- (of a book, journal, piece of music, etc.) prepared and issued for public sale or readership: the collection includes the complete published works of Benjamin Britten thirty-one published articles were reviewed for potential inclusion
Oxford American Dictionary
- (of a book, journal, piece of music, etc.) prepared and issued for public sale or readership: the collection includes the complete published works of Benjamin Britten thirty-one published articles were reviewed for potential inclusion
Oxford Dictionary
- (of a writer) publish (a piece of one's work) independently and at one's own expense: eighteen months ago, he was an unknown writer who self-published his book with a minuscule print run of 20
Oxford Dictionary
- (of a writer) publish (a piece of one's work) independently and at one's own expense: eighteen months ago, he was an unknown writer who self-published his book with a minuscule print run of 20
Oxford American Dictionary
- (of a piece of work) published by the author independently and at their own expense: self-published books continue to grow in popularity a self-published memoir
Oxford Dictionary
- (of a piece of work) published by the author independently and at their own expense: self-published books continue to grow in popularity a self-published memoir
Oxford American Dictionary
- 更多解釋
- IPA[ˈpəbliSH]
- prepare and issue (a book, journal, piece of music, etc.) for public sale, distribution, or ... we publish practical reference books
Oxford American Dictionary