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  1. pulsate

    • IPA[ˈpəlˌsāt]


    • v.
      expand and contract with strong regular movements;produce a regular throbbing sensation or sound
    • verb: pulsate, 3rd person present: pulsates, gerund or present participle: pulsating, past tense: pulsated, past participle: pulsated

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    • 1. expand and contract with strong regular movements blood vessels throb and pulsate
    • produce a regular throbbing sensation or sound through the tiled walls she could hear the music pulsating Bangkok is a cosmopolitan city that pulsates with life
    • adj.
      characterized by a strong regular rhythm; throbbing: a pulsating bass line

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • adj.
      characterized by a strong regular rhythm; throbbing: a pulsating bass line

    Oxford Dictionary

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    • IPA[pʌlˈseɪt]


    • v.
      expand and contract with strong regular movements: blood vessels throb and pulsate

    Oxford Dictionary