Yahoo奇摩字典 網頁搜尋
put down
v refl
自我貶低; 自責
- 1. 放下 it's a great book. I couldn't put it down 這本書太棒了,我愛不釋手 she put the phone down on me 她掛掉了我的電話
- 2. 讓…下車
- 3. 責難; 羞辱
- 4. 把…看作; 把…歸類 to put sb./sth. down as sb./sth. 把某人/某事物視作某人/某事物
- 5. 登記 to put sb./sth. down for sth. 為某事給某人/某事物登記 you can put me down for £10 請給我登記認捐10英鎊
- 6. 寫下 can you put it down in writing? 你能把它寫下來嗎?
- 7. 鎮壓 to put sth. down by force 武力鎮壓某活動
- 8. 駕駛…著陸
- 9. 儲存
- 10. 弄死 to put an animal down humanely 人道地殺死動物
- 11. 提交
- 12. 預交 to put sth. down on sth. 為某物交某訂金 we put all our savings down on a new house 我們拿出全部積蓄付了新房子的訂金
- 13. 讓某人下車
- 14. 以記賬方式購買 to put sth. down to sth. 把某物的款項記在某處 put these shoes down to my account, please 請把鞋子的款項記在我的賬上
v refl